The FMM Sugarcraft Ribbon Cutter Set (CutRrib) is a versatile tool to cut ribbons in various widths. The tool includes 3 sets of Cutting wheels including: Stitch Wheels, Wavy Line Cutting Wheels & Plain Cutting Wheels. It also comes with 3 sizes of spaces which can give you ribbons from 3mm to 50mm or 1/8" to 2". FMM includes instructions for this cutter sets use in the package. These cutters are made from a long wearing food safe & easy to clean plastic in England by FMM Sugarcraft. FMM Sugarcraft has provided 2 YouTube videos using this versatile tool.
The first is How to use the FMM Multi Ribbon Cutter. The second video is on Covering a cake in vertical stripes using the FMM Multi-Ribbon Tool with Carol Haycox.