Product Description
This is a 9" x 1" thick rolling pin. It is made from Perspex (the English equivalent of Lexan) which is a clear see-through nonstick pin. It was imported from England for the cake decorator that values visibility while rolling out their gumpaste shapes.
But it's use is not just the visiblity of the paste but that it is warm to the touch so it prevents pastes made with gelatin from thickening as they get colder as if a metal pin was used. It is also perfectly smooth so if you have a smooth surface to roll out on and a smooth pin, you can get your paste far thinner. Try using a wooden pin and the grain in the wood will ruin the paste and break it up before you get thin enough. It is also dishwasher proof and cannot warp so will be with a cake decorator for years and years. Plastic pins on the other hand will warp and be less effective. Buy once and use forever!